Tips for Caring for Patients with Heart Disease at Home

Tips for Caring for Patients with Heart Disease at Home

If there is a family member at home who is recovering from a heart attack or a person with heart disease, there are many things that must be considered. This is because heart disease can endanger lives. In fact, according to the 2014 Republic Registration of Health Ministry's Sample Registration System survey, coronary heart disease was the highest cause of death at all ages after a stroke. Therefore, how to treat heart patients at home is very important to know.

There are many causes of a person's heart disease, depending on the type of heart disease that is experienced. Can be due to unhealthy lifestyles, obesity, exposure to cigarette smoke, congenital abnormalities, and others.

Preventive methods are the easiest way to do this, for example, by adopting a healthy lifestyle and staying away from cigarette smoke, passive and active. However, if the preventive steps are not enough to stem the attack of heart disease, then repressive methods must be done.

There are many factors that must be taken into account and carried out in repressive mechanisms, so that people with heart disease can lead a normal life. The following are some tips for caring for heart patients at home:

Adjust food intake
Nutrition for a healthy heart is a nutrient that does not contain a lot of LDL cholesterol, aka bad cholesterol, can lower blood pressure, reduce blood sugar levels, and reduce weight.

Presented by Dr. Melyarna Putri from KlikDokter, here is a diet for people with heart disease:

Consume more fish. Apart from being a source of protein and other nutrients, fish also contain omega-3 which can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends eating fish such as salmon twice a week.
Consume vegetables, fruit, wheat, and nuts. This type of food can be the right strategy to fight heart disease.
Choose the right fat. Fat is not always evil. Fat is needed by the body to dissolve vitamins A, D, E, and K. However, it is wise to consume them. Reduce consumption of unsaturated fats and do not consume more than 7-10 percent saturated fat (eg butter, fried foods, sweet foods, and salad sauces). If you want to add fat, choose high fats with monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats (eg canola oil, olive oil, or peanut oil).
Increase variety of food. Foods that contain high protein such as meat or dairy products can increase the risk of heart disease. So, to reduce this risk, balance proteins from meat, fish, and vegetables.
Reduce cholesterol intake. Get energy by increasing the intake of complex carbohydrates and reducing sugar, soft drinks, and sweet foods or drinks.
Other strategies: reduce salt, exercise regularly, consume lots of water, and do a diet with feeling happy.

Exercise is highly recommended, but don't choose anything
According to Dr. Dyan Mega Inderawati from KlikDokter, both people with congenital heart and coronary heart disease, should avoid sports that are competition such as running, soccer, basketball, tennis or badminton.

"This is because when competing, someone is required to issue all his abilities without being able to adjust the limits of his ability. Someone who basically already has a heart disorder can suddenly experience a disturbance in the rhythm and work of the heart, then a heart attack occurs. Unfortunately, most of these heart attacks occur outside the hospital. With limited facilities, the rescue action will be more difficult to do, "explained the doctor who was familiarly called Dr. This Ega.

According to the AHA, the types of exercise that can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease are walking, jogging, cycling and swimming. As much as possible, make sure the patient is exercising every day. If you have not been able to, do moderate intensity exercise for 30 minutes, five times a week. Another option is moderate intensity exercise for 30 minutes to an hour, three times a week.

Keep an eye on the course of treatment
Quoting from the WebMD page, according to David A. Meyerson, MD, JD, director of cardiology consulting services at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, United States (US), monitoring the course of treatment is very important. Give encouragement and help the patient not to be negligent in treatment, and help them understand the importance of prescribed medicines.

To help with this, you can provide a medicine box and arrange it in such a way as to avoid mistakes or negligence. It is also important to keep a list of the latest medications and bring them in when performing doctor control for review.

Stop smoking
Tobacco is one of the main risk factors for heart disease because it can damage blood vessel walls. Smoking can interfere with blood flow and oxygen to the heart and other organs. Smoking can also cause blood clots, which can lead to a heart attack.

Nicotine in cigarettes can increase blood pressure. If the sufferer has difficulty stopping this habit, consult a doctor to help them stop. Also, avoid being passive smokers.

Blood pressure control
Hypertension can put pressure on the heart and blood vessels. Consult with your doctor to control blood pressure, which covers exercise, a low salt diet, and trying to reach your ideal body weight. The doctor may prescribe medicines to control blood pressure.

Control cholesterol levels
Too much bad cholesterol, aka low-density lipoprotein (LDL) can increase the risk of heart disease. If cholesterol in patients with heart disease is known to be high, the doctor may prescribe medication to reduce it. In addition, also apply a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

Diabetes check
Diabetes is known to increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. "One mechanism for complications in diabetic patients is excessive blood sugar in the blood which can damage the blood vessel walls. If diabetes is not well controlled, eating can occur several diseases such as heart disease and stroke, "said Dr. Alvin Nursalim from KlikDokter confirmed.

Control stress levels
Heart disease is a serious condition. For some people with heart disease, this is a condition that is difficult to accept. Give them support. Ask what they feel, listen, and discuss what you can make them feel better. It is necessary to know that stress that is not handled properly can cause depression, and deep to encourage them to believe and follow the doctor's advice during the recovery or treatment period.

Don't ignore your own health
Heart disease sufferers should try to do things that were once liked, and you who take care of them at home can help. Gathering with friends and family can help maintain overall health.

However, keep in mind when you care for people with heart disease, it is very important for you not to ignore your own health and rest when tired. Not only that, don't be shy to ask for help from other parties. If you are tired, or even fall sick, you will not be able to help provide maximum support in helping to restore heart disease patients at home

Beware of these signs
If someone has had a heart attack, he is at a higher risk of developing a sustained heart problem. Therefore it is very important to know the signs. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), seek emergency medical help if the patient experiences the following critical symptoms:

Chest pain (angina)
Tension or feel pressure in the arms, neck, jaw or stomach
Shortness of breath or shortness of breath
Dizziness, weakness or fainting
Pale and sweaty
Fast or irregular heartbeat
Nausea and / or vomiting
Swelling or pain in the legs
Sudden fatigue
The existence of heart disease does not mean the sufferer must stop doing things that are liked, but must prioritize physical and mental health. For those of you who care for people with heart disease at home, be sure to pay attention to the things mentioned above so that patients can live as normal and full of enthusiasm. Make this also a motivation for you to realize the importance of applying a healthy lifestyle so as not to experience similar diseases.


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